Ask Iker


Hi partners. My name is Iker and we are mainly going to focus on English, specifically in oral comprehension, listening tasks and writting. With properly choosen interactive material in order to encourage students improving their skills. The aim is to enjoy while they are learning english by using these new tools. 


You are going to make an essay about what wold you do if you were invisible (100words) invisibility potion, and then you will put it in this paddlet: paddlet

Here I give you some ideas you can use: 
- Which is the recipe? 
- Would you become a criminal or a superhero? 
- Wolud you use in class or with friends? 
- which are your reasons to drink it?


Hi students. Now we are going to work on reading. In order to do this activity first of all you will have to see this video, when we explain you the 3 important steps for make correctly this activity.3 steps for the reading

Then you will have to read this text Best friends forever and answer the following questions. Yoy will have multiple chice exercise and long answers exercise. Questions


After you have seen this video, you will check your comprehension with this task. True or false
When you finish the Genially you will have to answer this question and send your work to this Paddlet: 
- Which is this history´s moral? 

In order to work and improve the speaking skill we are going to make a recording exercise with the Audacity program. First of all we will show our students how to use this program properly with this video Audacity Instruxtions
You will have to make a recording with yours timetable during the lock down due to the pandemic cause by Covid 19. At least, it should last 5 minutes. You have the choice to comment the dialy life in that situation at home with your parent´s and brothers or sisters during the lockdown. 
When you have done and save your recording, you will send me to a Drive folder (lockdown recordings) lockdown recordings. You can listen to mine as an example. 


  1. Dear Iker, I take a look to your writing activity about the invisibility potion in padlet, wich I found quite interesting for younger students! The only comment is that in the padlet you could have posted your answers, so they have a more practical guide to make. In any case, I liked it a lot, congratulations! L

  2. Dear Iker,
    I have read your speaking activity and I find it quite interesting how you decided to talk about the lock down, for sure all your students will have fun stories to explain to you. The only thing that happend is that when I wanted to hear your recording, it didn't let me go in, but I still think is a great topic for them to talk about and not just for five minutes, for more!

  3. Hello Iker,
    I found your listening activity to be quite interesting, as it helps in addition to developing students' vocabulary and comprehension, it also seems to contain a very suitable story for them.
    Asier bilbao

  4. Hello Iker
    I found very nice you blog. The avatar you made is wonderful.
    I liked so much the reading activity. Your blog is suitable to use it in ESL clasroom with the students.

  5. Dear Iker,
    I have seen your blog and there are so many things that are well done and others that might be improve.
    First of all the activities you have created are very originals and motivational for your students. All of them need student´s creativity to realize it.
    In the other side, the letter you have used in your blog is quite small and not very colorful so that is my opinion to improve your blog.
    In conclusion, I think that you have created a very good blog.
    Best regards,

  6. Hi Iker!
    You have done such a great job. I love how colorful and harmonic your blog looks.
    I think all the proposed activities are very good to work on the four main skills of listening, speaking, writing and speaking.
    Congratulation, good job!


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