
Ask Iker

 WELCOME  Hi partners. My name is Iker and we are mainly going to focus on English, specifically in oral comprehension, listening tasks and writting. With properly choosen interactive material in order to encourage students improving their skills. The aim is to enjoy while they are learning english by using these new tools.  WRITTING   You are going to make an essay about what wold you do if you were invisible (100words) invisibility potion , and then you will put it in this paddlet:  paddlet .  Here I give you some ideas you can use:  - Which is the recipe?  - Would you become a criminal or a superhero?  - Wolud you use in class or with friends?  - which are your reasons to drink it? READING Hi students. Now we are going to work on reading. In order to do this activity first of all you will have to see this video, when we explain you the 3 important steps for make correctly this activity. 3 steps for the reading Then you will have to read this text  Best friends forever and answer th